Are you making excuses? | Let

Are you making excuses?

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Let me ask you a question. When it comes to looking for a job, are you making excuses? Be honest with yourself, are you putting in effort to look for a job, or do you continually say I'll start looking tomorrow. In the beginning not looking for a job may make you feel bad. But as time goes on you start to look at it a different way, and those excuses that once made you anxious now comfort you. After all it's not your fault you haven't found a job, it's because of someone or something else, right?

If you're the type of person that has a thousand reasons why you can't look for a job, it's time to let go of those excuses and get back to it.

Unsure of where to start

So you're unsure of where to start, that's alright it's common. There are a lot of things you need to do when you start looking for a job and trying to tackle everything at once can easily overwhelm you. But just because something is hard isn't a reason to throw your hands in the air and give up. Break everything down into manageable tasks and approach job hunting one thing at a time.

There are plenty of resources out there that can help you through the process of job hunting step by step, giving you information on what you need to do and how you can do it. Everyone's different and it make take you longer than others, but any progress you make is better than sitting there and doing nothing.

No one is hiring

Every industry will have quiet times during the year, but there are always companies and business hiring new people. To say that no one is hiring is simply not true. If you're unwilling to compromise by taking a job in a related field, travelling further each day for work, or moving to a new suburb for the job, there are still things you can do during those quiet times of the year. Revise your resume and online profiles, and attend networking events such as job fairs to stay up to date.

Don't have time to look

Time management is important but it's not something everyone excels at, leading to the excuse there isn't enough time to search for a job. There're always things that need to be done throughout the day that get in the way. Whether you're working in a job you dislike, need to clean the house or have errands to run for people, you shouldn't use these other tasks as an excuse though. Make time, even if it's only an hour a day. Improving your time management skills will help you in all areas of your life, especially in a job. The excuse sorry I can't come into work today I don't have time, isn't going to work when you get a job. So why use it when looking for one?

Employers never get back to me

One of the most frustrating things about the whole job hunting process is waiting for a response from the employer. It's tough, you feel like you did all the right things and yet you've been left in the dark. You may not have been suitable for the role, they may have found some better, or you might be making a mistake somewhere along the application process.

Make sure you follow up after an interview. If you never hear back from employers after an interview, or never even get to the interview stage you need to consider that something you're doing may be the problem. Use this as an opportunity to take a look at your resume and cover letters, and to improve your interview skills.

There will be times when things get in the way and you genuinely can't do anything about it. The key is managing your time around these things, and not adding to the problem by creating excuses. So what excuses have you heard from other people as to why they aren't looking for a job. Let me know in the comments section. For more information, videos, and articles on all things employment, check out our website

Until next time, have a good day.

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