Are your referees up to date? | Let

Are your referees up to date?

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Hi and welcome to a discussion about the referees you list on your resume. Referees are important because they help verify what you claim on your resume, cover letter, and during an interview. This is why it'' important to have two or three referees.

Who can be a referee?

There are all sorts of people who you can use as a referee but the people valued the most are those who know what sort of employee you are and what you're like to work with. This is usually a manager or someone you reported to directly. This is because people you've worked for can speak about your skill level, experience, personality, and achievements.

In addition to their knowledge about you it's important that you got on well with this person, and they think highly of you. You may have been a great employee doing great things but that won't matter if the person doesn't like you. More than likely they wouldn't agree to be a referee for you. But if they did, they may not say good things about you when they're contacted by the employer. So don't risk using people who never got on well with you.

Just like everything else when it comes to apply for a job try to match your referees to the type of job you're applying for. Different people will work better for different jobs. If the job you're applying for requires you to have particular skills or experience, use someone who can attest to your skills in this area. If this isn't possible don't worry. Using someone who can talk about your work ethic and personality is still useful.

Contact your referees beforehand

Once you've decided who you're going to list on your resume, you should contact them before listing them. It may have been years since you last worked with this person, so it's important to ask them if they're still willing to be a referee for you.

If they are still willing to help you, you should make sure the information you have about them is still correct. Check if their job title has changed, if they still work for the same company, and if their contact number or email has changed. It's best to keep track of your referees and get in contact with them every now and again so your information about them is always up to date.

If you've gained an interview with a company it's important to let your referees now. Tell them they may be contacted and give them the name of the person that will be contacting them. If you don't know who'll be contacting them, give them the name of the company instead. Letting your referees know about this means they won't be put on the spot when they are contacted out of the blue.

When you let them know they may be contacted it's also a good idea to provide them with information about the role you've applied for, and refresh their memory about what you did when you worked for them. Tell them the job title of the role, the skills and experience the employer's seeking, and anything else you think may help them put your best qualities forward.

Finally once you know the outcome of your application the courteous thing to do is thank your referees, even if you didn't get the job. If you were unsuccessful in getting the job ask your referees what the employer asked about you. They may be able to provide information that will help you next time.

Let me know in the comments section below, if you found this information useful. And if you have any questions or would like to request a topic for one of my videos let me know.

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