Consider a Part time job | Let

Consider a Part time job

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Hi and welcome to a discussion of considering every opportunity.

When you're unemployed and looking for work do you consider every job opportunity, or do you ignore things that aren't exactly what you want? Part time work may not be what you're looking for but that doesn't mean it will be a waste of time. If you perform well at the job, there's always the chance of gaining more hours, or maybe being offered a different position.

While the money may not be enough for you, in the short term it's better than nothing. Getting into a job can help to improve your attitude and self-worth. Feeling valued or needed by other is important, and having a job gives you these feelings.

So while the job may not be what you want, that doesn't mean there's nothing to gain from going for it. Think about these three things; Experience, Contacts, and Information.


Depending how long you've been unemployed for, your resume may have small gaps of a month or larger gaps that stretch years. Gaining recent experience not only shows you're still active. It can be useful in transitioning back into working life. Think of it as a stepping stone on the way to the job you really want.

Use this opportunity to learn. If you've been out of work for years there will likely be differences in the way things are done. Take the time to familiar yourself with these differences, or improve your skills in other areas that will be useful for future jobs.


Working gives you the opportunity to encounter people that can make great networking contacts, both co-workers and customers. So take advantage of this. If you perform your job well, you'll probably be able to use your manager as a reference for your resume. Just like experience recent references are better than someone you worked for 10 years ago.


Many jobs don't get advertised. But once you're in a company you'll have access to their internal job board. This gives you the opportunity to apply for positions that you would have never known about that may be more suited to you.

Don't forget that this is only a part time job. This still leaves you with time to continue searching for a job if you wish. Part time positions often have a high turnover, and your employer shouldn't be surprised when you tell them you'll be leaving them for another job.

So there is more than just money to be gained from a job. Now that you know what you can gain, if you're offered a part time job in the future, will you consider it?

As always if you want any of the information talked about in this video. Check out the article on Let's Get Working, which contains information and links related to what we discussed. If you have any questions feel free to leave me a comment on YouTube, Facebook, or the Let's Get Working website, and I'll get back to you.

Until Next time, have a good day

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