Structuring Your Day and Your Desk
Friday, July 25, 2014Today on Lets Get Working, I would like to talk to you about the importance of structuring your day and your desk when you are looking for a job.
Its really easy to fill your days with many things other than looking for work so, it is important to decide what you are going to do and when you are going to do it. You can write yourself a schedule the night before or first thing in the morning.
In the schedule you need to decide what you will be doing and how long you may be doing it for.
For example, you may decide to work on job hunting for 2 hours. You may then like to write a list of things you will do in this time.
Research 10 businesses you would like to work for – 30 minutesRing the 10 businesses and find out the name of the hiring person and the mailing address – 30 minutesStart writing cover letters and making sure you resume has the relevant information to send to each business – 60 minutes.The following day you may:
Finish off the letters, print them off, write envelopes and send in the post - 60 minutesResearch some businesses you can drop your resume off to in the area - 30 minutesTake a few resumes and drop them off to other businesses while you are out - 30 minutesIt is good to make a space in your house where you can go just to work on job hunting.
You will need:
A spot free of distractionsA computerA printer and paperPens and scrap paper or notebookA telephoneEnvelopesA staplerStamps In summary, set up your desk so it supports your job hunting and also plan to structure your days so that you can get the most out of looking for a job!
Until next time,
Enjoy the journey!