What to Wear to Work
Friday, December 20, 2013Today on Lets Get Working I’d like to discuss the question: What should I wear to work?
It’s important to dress for success
It is nice to use a bit of colour, texture and tasteful accessories to make statements that give you some uniqueness.
BUT - revealing or quirky outfits can hamper your ability to build professional relationships based on respect.
Break up your closet into activity themes and make work one of the themes. Don’t wear club clothes to work. Spend some time becoming aware about which pieces belong in the office and which ones don’t belong.
When in doubt — ask! Ask someone you trust who works in the same profession as you.
Don’t wear skirts that are too short, and don’t trip around on impossibly high heels.
Before walking out the door, think through these favourite fashion clichés:
Dress well, they remember you. Dress poorly, they remember your bad tasteCleanliness is next to godlinessModesty never goes out of styleIf the shoe fits, wear it (in other words, if the shoe, or anything else doesn’t fit – DON’T wear it)Until next time,
Enjoy the journey!